(Hormonal problems lead...)
Here is how to prevent them...
Hormonal problems like the diabetes, thyroid problems, poly cystic ovarian diseases, hirsuitism etc surely makes one prone to hair fall problems say trichologists.
Dr Apoorva Shah says, 'If one suffers from any of these hormonal problems they should make sure to meet the trichologist to rule out any hair fall problems. If at all they are diagnosed with hair fall problems they should start with the treatment as early as possible.'
Here are a few things one should keep in mind...
Point 1 Make sure to treat your hormonal problems in the best possible manner.
As it is already explained above that the hair problems like the hair fall worsen up in the presence of hormonal problems one should treat the hormonal problems from the root to get rid of the hair fall.
The hormonal problems which are mentioned above generally get aggravated if one follows an unhealthy lifestyle.
Lack of work outs, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy dietary habits, stressful life, inadequate sleeps, etc. All of these factors can aggravate hormonal problems leading to hair fall in future.
So it is very important to follow a disciplined lifestyle which should consist of a good well balanced diet, work outs in the morning or in the evening, having adequate sound sleep and also following a de-stressing activity in the form of yoga, meditation and pranayam. Even listening to soft music helps in de-stressing.
Point 3 Meet your trichologist as soon as possible.
As soon as you face hair fall issues meet your trichologist immediately as his expert opinion and his treatment will help in settling the hair fall instantly.
Point 4 Finally make sure to follow all the dos and the don'ts of the hair care regime to get the best results.
There will be certain that your trichologist would emphasize on like following a particular hair care regime or using certain type of hair care products.
All these have to be followed religiously to get the best results. There will be certain things which your trichologist will ask you to avoid. Make sure to follow his advice and keep your hair healthy forever.
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