The consumer dedicated division of the market researcher has compiled an interactive report exclusively for Cosmetics Design readers based on the key consumer insights and product trends currently impacting the global hair care sector.
According to associate analyst Jamie Mills, the hair care segment is big business with a global spend on products of $54.4 billion in 2013.
Whilst scalp care has traditionally been a low priority for consumers, the expert says the perception that a healthy scalp is the key foundation for healthy hair is challenging traditional approaches and is therefore seeing a rise in demand for products catering to this need.
' This interest is indicative of the growing integration between skin and hair care with scalp specific products acting as an extension of consumers' skincare regimes. Brands are identifying that scalp needs differ depending on the individual's specific scalp type, prompting demand for more tailored solutions,' Mills tells this publication.
Consumers are also increasingly perceiving themselves to be time poor and are demanding new ways to manage and maintain their hair and hygiene more quickly and efficiently. Innovation into waterless solutions and multi-functional products has gained traction by tapping into this trend.
Below the market analyst further reveals which brands are catering to this demand and offers further insight into the rise of the multi-functional product. Just click on the 'play' button in the box to view the complete presentation...
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