If you happen to search YouTube for videos about natural hair, you'll be inundated with thousands of tutorials discussing hair texture, hairstyles and hair products. You'll notice that the videos always include the people describing their hair textures, which products they're currently being paid to use and their best practices when it comes to sitting under a hair dryer to achieve a texture different from their 'natural' texture.
YouTube hair tutorials are a big business now. Page views, ad revenue and product endorsements are at stake. It's the '2dafdafasdf' textures versus the '3fadlfjadfklja'-textured users. (Note: These are made-up texture ' grades,' unlike 2, 3b, 4c or whatever.) The Shea Butter Crew versus the Coconut Oil Clique. Team Wash-and-Go versus Team Twist-Out. You get my drift.
But if you take a look at any of these videos, they seem to follow the same road map when it comes to production quality. And for lack of a better word, 'Why are there always so many ... pauses involved?'
In a recent YouTube parody, comedian Akilah Hughes successfully pokes fun at the plethora of natural-hair videos on the Internet. Oh, and for the record, Hughes also wears her hair natural.
Maybe, after watching this video, some of the YouTubers out there will take note and try something a little different. By 'different,' I mean those pauses have to go.
Yesha Callahan is editor of The Grapevine and a staff writer at The Root. Follow her on Twitter.
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