How Old Is Too Old to Try the Rainbow Hair Color Trend?

The most interesting part of last night's Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 5 premiere, if you ask me, was the debut of Lisa Vanderpump's pink hair streaks.

As every fellow fan of this series knows, pink is not just Lisa's signature color but her spirit color, so it's not surprising that she'd choose to incorporate it into her look in this creative new way (pink hair was pretty much the last pink frontier for her). However, the timing is interesting, because just yesterday we were talking about Tori Spelling's new gray ombre ends, and some commenters wondered whether there should be an age limit on the rainbow-hair trend. Tori's 41; Lisa Vanderpump is 54, so if there were an age limit I'm guessing both would be past it.

My take: I don't think the ability to pull off bold hair color is about age at all, but rather one's style, personality, and attitude. Gwen Stefani is 45, and I don't think anyone would blink should she rock hot pink again. That said, I find the pink streaks a little distracting on Lisa. Part of this might be that she's just the ultimate glamazon; obviously-fake hair streaks next to all those obviously-real diamonds and designer clothes just looks glaringly cheap in comparison. (Let's not even get into the part of the episode where Lisa started discussing having pink hair down there.) I'm guessing they're just a fun temporary statement for her, though, and they're subtle enough that overall she's pulling the look off.

Anyway, let's hear your thoughts on the matter: Is there an approximate age where you think bold hair color begins to look silly-even in the form of subtle streaks or ombre ends? If so, what's your personal cutoff age? Tell us below!

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