English toddler cuts 'fringe,' video goes viral: Hair care tips to fix bangs

An adorable toddler with the cutest English accent cut her own hair, and her dad captured the two-year-old girl's hysterical confession on camera. The video, which 'Today' reported Thursday went viral, was posted the day before Thanksgiving. The little cutey now dons a mullet, but there are ways to avoid this common mishap and hair care tips to fix your child's chop job.

The video, seen above, shows a toddler, Tallulah, holding a weft of her hair. Her father asks her what happened, and very eloquently, the two-year-old explains, 'I cut my fringe,' the English term for bangs. She further explains, very matter-of-factly, 'I didn't want it to be in my eyes.'

The dad then turns to the older sister who shakes her head no when asked if she saw the toddler cut her fringe. However, an impish grin that looks like the girl is holding back laughter, states perhaps the big sis did witness the haircut.

Looking up at her dad with the biggest of blue eyes, Tallulah then told her father she would never cut her hair again, and should have asked 'mummy and daddy.' So, what can the parents do to correct the missing piece of hair?

Other than giving Tallulah a pixie, there aren't many other options if the parents want the toddler to have long hair. The most important correction is to head to a salon and have a professional size up the damage. They could straighten the fringe, create a bob, or angle the sides so the hair starts to grow evenly. Frequent visits to the salon would then be necessary.

To prevent children creating their own 'trendy' looks, scissors should be hidden and out of a toddler's reach. Unless of course the little darling used a pair of children's Fiskars, then bets are all off. When the child is old enough, enroll her in beauty school, because she knows what she wants!

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