Lena Dunham unveils new platinum

Aug. 18, 2014 at 4:28 PM ET

Lena Dunham changed up her hair in dramatic fashion and then promptly dumped a bucket of ice water over her head, because that's a thing you may have seen happening.

The creator and star of 'Girls' went platinum blond and showed off the look in an Instagram post captioned 'change is good.' The change involved ditching her natural brunette color and re-shaping what has been a mostly short cut in recent years.

The blunt 'do was swept to one side in another photo Dunham posted over the weekend.

In a video uploaded on Sunday, Dunham, 28, sported a red bathing suit to take on the ice bucket challenge for ALS awareness, and seemed to confirm that the new hair was not a wig. No doubt you've seen a few of these by now, but Dunham's is especially fun for the scream she lets out at the end.

The fourth season of HBO's 'Girls' wrapped a day before Dunham revealed the new look.

By the time Monday rolled around, she was critiquing herself and sharing that hilariously harsh view on Twitter - even though she liked the look enough to change up her avatar.

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