Obama delivers praise and handshakes to Worcester Tech grads

Article published Jun 12, 2014 Order the Telegram & Gazette, delivered daily to your home or office! To print this article open the file menu and choose http://ift.tt/SCM7Yz 'YOU'RE ALREADY BLAZING A TRAIL' WORCESTER - In the end, what happened at the DCU Center Wednesday afternoon was a graduation. There were caps and gowns, pomp and circumstance, and proud parents peering from their seats. There were speeches and salutations, sentiments and smiles, tears and cheers.Oh, there were cheers. They started when the 301 members of Worcester Technical High School's 104th graduating class began descending two sets of stairs inside the DCU Center arena toward their seats in front of the stage. They punctuated the ends of several lines when junior Lois Dwira delivered a stunning rendition of the national anthem: 'In air ...' (cheers); '... wave' (louder cheers); '... free ' (even louder cheers); '... brave' (Really. Loud. Cheers.). And they were delivered in throatscratching, ear-splitting screams when class president Reginald Sarpong introduced graduation speaker Barack Obama.'I do not remember my high school graduation speaker,' the president offered. 'I have no idea who it was. I'm sure I was thinking about the party after graduation. I don't remember the party, either.'You will remember the speaker at this graduation because there's a lot of Secret Service around - not because of anything inspiring I say.'But Mr. Obama's 26-minute speech was chock-full of inspiration as he touted Worcester Tech's combination of rigorous academics and hands-on learning as an ideal model for high school education.'I'm here today because there is nothing ordinary about Worcester Tech or the class of 2014. You have set yourselves apart. This high school has set itself apart,' he said. Mr. Obama's speech to Worcester Tech was the only high school commencement he delivered in 2014. He came to Worcester, he told a crowd of 5,300, so that the rest of the country could benefit from what was happening on Skyline Drive. His visit came after an afternoon flight from Washington D.C. to Worcester Regional Airport and a motorcade procession through blocked-off city streets. After his remarks, he went by helicopter to a fundraiser in Weston before returning to Worcester for a 9:02 p.m. Air Force One departure. While on the DCU Center stage, Mr. Obama praised Principal Sheila Harrity, under whose tenure the school has made dramatic gains in student achievement and graduation rates. 'When you're the National High School Principal of the year, you're doing something right,' he said in reference to Ms. Harrity's receiving the 2014 honor. Mr. Obama credited Edwin B. Coghlin Jr., chairman of the school's advisory board, who helped raise money for the new facility that opened in 2006. 'Ted is known as the 'godfather' of Worcester Tech. Ten years ago he set out to make this school what he knew it could be - a place where businesses train new workers, and young people get the keys to a brighter future.' Mr. Obama talked about his desire to make college more affordable. 'If you're going to college, I want to make sure that when you graduate you don't have a mountain of debt,' he said. He offered kudos to Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. John F. Tierney for introducing legislation to make it easier for students to repay student loans. 'Now today, that effort was defeated by Republicans in Congress,' he said, generating many jeers. 'Don't boo, just remember to vote!' He touted his just-introduced Pay as You Earn initiative that will cap graduates' student loan payments at 10 percent of their monthly income. The president gave a shoutout to the services Worcester Tech offers, stating that when U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan visited the facility this year, he had never seen a school more 'open.' 'If you live near the school, you can come in and get your car detailed for a fraction of what it could cost somewhere else,' he said, also calling attention to the Worcester Tech's hair salon and veterinary clinic. 'I could have brought Bo and Sunny here!' he said of the 'first dogs.' Mr. Obama told graduates he expected them to pay it forward. 'You're going to have to give back. This community invested in you. You've got to make sure you use those gifts,' he said. 'Whatever you do next, I hope you keep giving back. That may mean staying in Worcester and working for one of the companies that helped train you. ... No matter what it is that you do, no matter what path you take, I want to make sure that you understand the incredible leadership that we now expect from you.' The president mentioned the accomplishments of a few students. 'If Melinda Blanchard can get so good at welding that a bunch of college kids ask her help building a solar-paneled house for a competition in China, I know that we can get more young people excited about learning. 'You're already doing it. You're already blazing a trail. You're already leading. ... And if it can happen in Worcester, it can happen anyplace.' Ann Swenson, principal of Gates Lane Elementary School, attended the graduation with other staff from her school. Worcester Tech is 'an excellent example of what is possible,' she said, adding that 'it's quite an honor' to work for the school district to be put in the spotlight as it was today. District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr. said Mayor Joseph M. Petty did an exemplary job in addressing the importance of Worcester. It was even more striking, however, when the president started touting the city's achievements, he said. 'He is one of the first presidents to bring such a message of hope,' he said. 'What a great day for Worcester,' Mr. Early said. In remarks before the president spoke, Ms. Harrity directed the audience's gaze to an empty seat in the graduates' section. It was for Nick Marlborough, a member of the class of 2014 who died two years ago. She also recognized 10 retiring staff members, including Assistant Principal Mary O'Malley. Mr. Petty proudly enumerated the many firsts for which the second-largest city in New England is known. The American Revolution began here, he said, as did the women's suffrage movement. The valentine and the monkey wrench were invented in Worcester. The first perfect baseball game was pitched here, he said, and Robert Goddard launched the modern rocket age in this city. Superintendent Melinda J. Boone told the president, 'Your selection of Worcester Tech for your graduation message validates the accomplishment of these students. ... Your presence is a capstone to their high school experience.' Valedictorian Naomi Desilets in her speech talked about beginnings and endings. 'Many of us spent the majority of high school waiting for this moment, the moment we consider ourselves free. But don't spend all of your energy waiting for firsts and lasts in life to come around,' she said. She talked about the rich pool of support from which she and her peers drew during their time at Worcester Tech, stating that students were never alone. Quoting from the late Maya Angelou, she said: 'I came up with one thing / and I don't believe I'm wrong / that nobody but nobody can make it out here alone.' Perhaps the loudest screams at the ceremony came when each graduate crossed the stage to receive a diploma from Mr. Petty and a handshake, hug or pat on the back from the president. 'I was so nervous,' said graduate Kendra Webb. 'As soon as I got to him he said, 'It's OK, you did a good job,' and then he hugged me. That made it better,' she said. 'He was taller than I had expected,' said graduate Nylashia Campbell, who got a handshake and a pat on the back from the president after receiving her diploma. 'He had such a nice smile.' Justin Beck opted to shake the president's hand after receiving his diploma. 'His hand felt like baby powder. It was really soft,' he said. Alli Knothe of the Telegram & Gazette staff contributed to this story. Contact Sara Schweiger at sara.schweiger@telegram. com. Follow her on Twitter @SschweigerTG.


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