Hair is our crowning glory and needs adequate attention and care for it to be strong and lustrous. But external and internal factors like pollution, unhealthy diet, improper haircare, often give us bad hair days. One can avoid this and make their mane stronger by using natural products like almond oil, rosemary, tea, etc. Dr Dinyar Workingboxwalla, in his book 'Beauty Unleashed: A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Perfect Skin and Hair', shares a few DIY hair tonics one can make at home to get lovely-looking locks. Here's an excerpt.
To grow an abundant head of shiny, healthy hair, attention must be given to the source of its growth and this does not begin with the scalp or even the individual follicle from which each strand grows. Hair is the last appendage of the body to receive nourishment from the blood stream. That is why one is taught to stand on one's head in yoga. It has a calming effect, but also stimulates the brain and the hair, which receives an abundant nourishing supply of blood.
* Help for dry hair is a hot oil treatment twice a week. Warm two tablespoons of almond oil. Gently massage it into every part of the scalp. Shampoo thoroughly, rinse and condition. Add two tablespoons of mother apple cider vinegar in the last rinse of water.
* An egg yolk shampoo is a great conditioner. Mix two egg yolks with a teaspoon of water. Massage it into your hair and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes before you shampoo. It gives the hair a good sheen and strengthens and nourishes the roots. The high protein content of the yolk is a real panacea for hair fall problems.
* A strong infusion of tea made from rosemary leaves works as an antiseptic and helps to stimulate hair growth. Simmer a handful of rosemary leaves until it reduces to half the quantity. Strain and use as a last rinse. (Read: Tips to oil your hair the right way)
Natural hair colouring
Choose a specific plant dye for your hair. Select a colour that closely resembles your original colour. Nature never creates a conflicting colour scheme for us, so don't attempt to lighten your hair if you have dark skin tones or get red hair when you have a sallow olive complexion. Colouring the hair with herbal rinses sometimes helps to strengthen it even as a deeper colour tone is gained. A strong brew of sage and black tea creates a rich brown tone in grey hair, if continued for a longer period of time.
Mix two tablespoons of black tea and two tablespoons of dry sage and simmer in a quarter bottle of water for twenty-five minutes. Allow this to sit for a few hours and then strain. This will produce a strong herbal dye. In order to be effective, this colouring agent must be massaged into the hair every day until the colour tone deepens to the desired one. Once the colour is satisfactory, apply it only twice a week. However, fresh preparations should be done weekly when necessary. It is important to remember that more than one application of plant dyes is required for beneficial results. The colour must accumulate. Vegetable dyes work very slowly and patience is necessary to use them. (Read: Colour your hair your favourite shade with henna)
Nutrients for your hair
Work on problem hair by correcting your diet so you get the required nutrients for good hair growth. Try the following suggestions:
* Cut a small onion, extract its juice and rub it on the scalp just before going to bed. It is supposed to stimulate the skin and invigorate the roots of the hair. When you shampoo and condition, let the last rinse be of mother apple cider vinegar.
* Mix one pint of bay rum with rosemary leaves. Boil it, let it cool and then apply to the scalp, rubbing it into the roots of the hair every night with your fingertips. This recipe is supposed to not only prevent hair loss but to keep it from turning grey.
Hair tonic for dandruff
Pour one pint of soft boiling water over four tablespoons of dry rosemary leaves. Let the infusion sit for three hours. Strain into a bottle and shake. Use it as a final rinse after every shampoo.
Rosemary hair tonic
In a bottle, mix two tablespoons of spirit of rosemary, four teaspoons of castor oil, five tablespoons of surgical spirit and three tablespoons of lavender water. Shake well. Apply to the scalp after washing hair, massaging thoroughly. Leave it in for a few minutes and then rinse well with an infusion of mother apple cider vinegar.
Rosemary for thicker hair growth
One cup rosemary flowers
Two pints white wine
Half cup honey
Half cup sweet almond oil
Steep the rosemary flowers in wine for eight to ten hours. Add the honey and sweet almond oil and shake the mixture thoroughly until the honey dissolves in the liquid. Pour into a jar while still warm. When using, put two to three tablespoons into a cup and put the cup in a pan of hot water to heat it up. Massage into the scalp and comb through hair. Leave for thirty minutes and rinse off. (Read: Beauty on a budget - Expert-recommended home-made packs)
'Beauty Unleashed: A Comprehensive Guide To Getting Perfect Skin And Hair' is authored by Dr Dinyar Workingboxwalla and published by Westland Ltd. It can be purchased online on Flipkart. Watch this space for more excerpts from the book.
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