How many times have we watched shampoo and conditioner commercials where the split ends magically mend back together? Or you buy this holy grail product that promises frizz-free, moisturized hair ... but you're left with the complete opposite?
As a hair blogger, I have tried a lot of products. I have become a master of separating the fact from fiction when it comes to product claims. I'm sorry to bust your bubble, but most products don't deliver on these promises. Let me explain:
It's not that they can't or don't live up to their claims, but in most cases, we are our own worst hair enemies. A lot of hair products offer short-term, quick, and simple hair solutions. But I hate to break it to you - if you want long-term results of longer and healthier hair, there's not a product on the market for that. Hair products can't fix your bad habits.
Let's take split ends for example. Split ends are the hair's natural tendency to split or break. Often you see them on the ends of the hair, but split ends or trichoptilosis can happen anywhere on the hair shaft. There are some great products in stores that prevent split ends, but unfortunately the only way to get rid of them is to schedule a trim. A healthy hair regimen should include at least a quarterly trim.
Read 12 Ways To Prevent Split Ends
Split ends and other forms of breakage are usually the result of mismanaged hair. You can buy hair products to help prevent breakage, but learning how to handle your hair with care is the only long-term solution. It's not the products that make your hair longer and stronger; it's how you use them and take care of your hair.
The next time you're in the store for hair products to solve one of your hair woes, first think about the care of your hair. Are you doing something or not doing something that has changed your hair's appearance and feel? Proper hair care should be your first line of defense instead of hair products. Believe me: this will save lots of money and space in your already crowded bathroom. Your husband will thank you, too!
Tamara Floyd is the Founder and Editor of Natural Hair, a site dedicated to encouraging others to be who they are naturally. Visit anytime at You can also follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
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