Long, dark silky hair has always been a key part of the on-screen image of former Coronation Street star Shobna Gulati. So when it started to fall out in clumps during a particularly stressful period last year she was horrified. 'I started to shed an awful lot of hair,' says Shobna, 47, who played Sunita Alahan in the TV soap from 2001 to 2006 and again from 2009 to 2013. 'Although I have a lot of hair it's really very fine and it soon started to look quite patchy. 'I was finding clumps of it everywhere. It was really scary.' Shobna, who also starred in Victoria Wood's hit comedy Dinnerladies and appears as a panellist on the lunchtime chat show Loose Women, blames the stress of finding out her role as Sunita was being scrapped much earlier than planned. She had asked to leave the show but the producers brought her exit forward by six months, leaving her temporarily without work. Sunita was killed off in April last year when she died as a result of injuries sustained during a fire at the Rovers Return. 'It was an incredibly stressful time,' says Shobna. 'I was due to leave in October and suddenly it was brought forward to February [when the episodes were filmed]. 'I hadn't got anything in place and suddenly was under huge pressure. 'To cover up my hair loss I started to tie it up a lot. 'But I was really worried it would show when we filmed the scenes where I was lying unconscious.' To coincide with May as National Hair Loss Awareness Month Shobna is now speaking out about the psychological effects it can have on women. It is estimated that at least one in eight women suffers some degree of hair loss before they hit the menopause. Some research suggests that by the time they reach 65 the number soars to three out of four. Although hair loss is not a clinical condition, research shows it can have a damaging impact on psychological well-being. A recent study in Brazil looked at 157 women to see if there was a link between hair loss and symptoms of depression. Researchers found a strong correlation between thinning hair and mental health, suggesting the problem may be a hidden cause of depression in women.TRISHA BULLER, a member of the Institute of Trichologists, a group representing specialists in the science of hair growth, says: 'This can be a major issue. Many of these women go to their doctors for help and are just told to buy a wig.'The trouble is many doctors see it as a vanity thing, not a psychological warning.
'I've known people who didn't venture out of the house for years because they were so distressed over their hair loss. Yet often something can be done about it. 'Hair shedding can often be due to a nutritional deficiency and with many women working full-time these days and bringing up children as well, they don't have time to watch what they eat.' Shobna, from Manchester, first experienced rapid hair loss when her father died in her late teens as she was about to go to university. Her hair also thinned again while pregnant with her son Akshay, now 19, before growing back after he was born. However losing handfuls of hair due to stress last year was the most worrying episode of all. 'I am of Punjabi origin and Punjabi women always keep their hair long,' she explains. 'In fact women from my culture see much of their beauty in their hair.' As well as stress Shobna is convinced her hair loss was partly down to eating disorders earlier in her life and the fact that in 2010 she was diagnosed with coeliac disease. The condition is thought to affect one in 100 people in Britain, with the prevalence rising to one in 10 if a close family member has it. Sufferers cannot eat anything containing gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Bread is the main source but gluten is found in everything from pasta, cakes and biscuits to fish fingers, sausages, gravy and even stock cubes. Symptoms vary but include bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, diarrhoea and wind. There can also be tiredness, anaemia, headaches, mouth ulcers, weight loss, recurrent miscarriages, skin problems, depression, joint or bone pain and nerve problems.Other than following a strict lifelong gluten-free diet there is no treatment for coeliac disease and sufferers are at increased risk of osteoporosis, infertility and bowel cancer if they do not stick to it. 'Hair loss can be one of the problems associated with undiagnosed coeliac disease and can also be due to low iron levels in the blood or anaemia, which is a symptom of the disease,' says Norma McGough of Coeliac UK (www.coeliac.org.uk). 'Once established on a gluten-free diet both problems usually improve dramatically.' Shobna says: 'I'm convinced diet affects my hair. When I'm stressed I tend not to eat and that makes my hair fall out, my nails flake and my skin dry up. 'For me, my hair is essential to my work. During a brief period when I had short hair I couldn't get any work.' In the past she has used bonded hair extensions to cover the thinning patches but says she realises this puts added strain on the remaining hair. Now Shobna is using supplements and shampoos in the Viviscal range and says that after just a few months' use her hair feels thicker and stronger. 'I think people underestimate how important hair is to psychological well-being,' she adds. 'When you start to lose it, it makes you feel incomplete as a woman, especially because it's so visible. 'Hair is part of what makes us feel feminine and when it starts to fall out, you are left feeling vulnerable, unattractive and self-conscious. 'It's so hard for women because hair can be damaged so quickly and easily but the regrowth process can be a long and painful one.' For more information on Viviscal visit viviscal.co.uk
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