Friends Reunion 2014: Jennifer Aniston Opens Scientific Hair Salon Run By MIT ...

Friends Reunion 2014: Jennifer Aniston has been named, in the past, the Sexiest Woman Alive by Men's Health magazine. Jennifer's body was named by Fitness magazine as the 'most wanted body' of the year. Plastic surgeons say that more patients want to look like Jennifer Aniston more than any other celebrity. But Jennifer Aniston, the first breakout star from the popular sitcom Friends, will always be known to Friends fans as 'the one with the hair.'

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That Rachel haircut was one of the most copied dos of Friends fans. The Rachel haircut made Jennifer Aniston a TV icon.

Jennifer Aniston opened a hair lab in Cambridge, Mass. Living Proof was created by MIT Koch Institute professor Robert Langer and a team of medical,

pharmaceutical, and biotech scientists from outside the beauty industry were brought in to look for new solutions to hair care problems.

Aniston said it was the Rachel Hairdo that keeps her in follicle news. 'That somehow happened . . . yeah. I didn't want to feed into that so much, but this was different. I was asked to partake in the ownership so I would have creative input. And having sat in a chair for the past 25 years getting my hair styled, I've seen everything. This was different.'

Jennifer Aniston, who is engaged to the actor Justin Theroux, now admits that keeping her hair straight is a struggle.

Jennifer Aniston revealed that she has unruly hair.

Aniston owns her own hair care range, Living Proof. Aniston said of the scientific 'I just watch them. I go into the lab. I see them explain about the molecules and we see the demonstrations of the dirt tests. It's all so fun and fascinating. It's like having your own little science channel right in your room.'

Jennifer Aniston has gone to the same hairstylist, Chris McMillan, for years. Sometimes Aniston gets hair and sometimes she gets a bob haircut.

Aniston told the Boston Globe 'The thing that makes me chuckle is when I hear that my hair is so this, or so that. My hair is always at odds with a brush and a hair dryer. To get my hair straight can be a struggle.'

The Boston Globe writes that Aniston laughs when compliment her hair 'The thing that makes me chuckle is when I hear that my hair is so this, or so that. My hair is always at odds with a brush and a hair dryer. To get my hair straight can be a struggle.'

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