Posted: Monday, February 3, 2014, 10:19 AM
American Apparel is doing its part to bring back the deep V-neck and also working to tear down age barriers. The popular clothing brand is employing a 62-year-old woman as its new lingerie model. Jacky O'Shaughnessy has modeled for the company before, but her new spread is a bit more, um, revealing and the photo the company posted to Instagram already has 18,000 likes.
According to a post on the brand's Facebook page, O'Shaughnessy is the newest face of AA's line of lingerie, and her portrait is accompanied with the tagline, 'Sexy has no expiration date.' In her case, this is most certainly true - she's 6-feet-tall and has some of the most gorgeous white hair we've ever seen - and we'd even venture to say that she puts many of the retailer's younger models to shame.
Say what you want about American Apparel's penchant for publicity stunts-looking at you, mannequins with pubic hair-but this anti-agism campaign is kind of inspiring. Also, their T-shirts are incredibly comfortable. So, they've got that going for them. [ Fashionista]
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