Tamron Hall Wears Natural Hair for 1st Time on TV! Black Women Stop Being ...

Published:June 28th, 2014 11:25 EST

'Tamron Hall wore her natural hair for the first time on television Friday.

The 43-year-old Today host showed her support for natural hair by appearing on the program without blow drying, flat ironing or chemically straightening her hair. Many African-American women feel the need to manipulate their hair texture for aesthetic and professional reasons.'


You might escape grievous bodily injury if you call a black woman the ' N-word', but if you say anything even slightly uncomplimentary about her hair you`re dead meat.

Only about one percent of black women (unscientific educated guess) wear their hair natural, the rest wear ridiculous wigs or they straighten or otherwise manipulate their hair until it bears little resemblance to human hair.

Black celebrities like Beyoncé and Nicky Minaj have a penchant for wearing blond wigs, and they face almost no criticism from the African American community for denying their ethnicity. If a white celebrity dons an afro wig, she would be ridiculed and accused of appropriating black culture. Isn`t there at least one fashionista or pop culture critic with the guts to tell Beyoncé that she looks like a damn fool when she wears a blond wig?

I hope Tamron Hall starts a new trend, it`s a shame black women are so ashamed of their natural hair that they wear clownish wigs or chemically treat their hair to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

It`s a shame that a non-black commentator has to school black women to be proud of their natural hair.

Read more: http://ift.tt/1rLgw3x

Photo Credit: http://ift.tt/gEh0M8 robertpaulreyes@gmail.com

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://ift.tt/1ijS3SU

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