Whoa, Have You Seen Jennifer Love Hewitt's New Way

The celebrity hair color changes are happening so fast we can hardly keep up with 'em! Latest example: new mama/newlywed Jennifer Love Hewitt has stepped out with full-on blond hair!

At the launch of her L by Jennifer Love Hewitt maternity collection at A Pea in the Pod, Jennifer showed off her new multi-toned golden-blond hair color; there's some brown woven in at the ends for something of an ombre effect. Quite a drastic change from how she looked during her pregnancy!

Now before everyone starts commenting that they like Jennifer better as a brunette, let me just say that I'm a believer that a dramatic hair change can be good for the soul-especially when you're dealing with something as life-changing and stressful as bringing a new little human being into the world! So I want to high-five her for mixing things up, being adventurous, and doing something fun for herself. And what's more fun than blond?

Although for the record, I was really digging that cute mid-length hair with the bangs, too.

Are any of you feeling like making a major hair color change this spring! Photos: Getty Images

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