Exclusive "Winter Su: It's been a rough winter. We've had one

Details Published on Monday, 17 February 2014 12:00 Written by Kerry Anne Ducey

It's been a rough winter. We've had one too many snowstorms and it's been brutally cold- both things play havoc on our stress level (especially that of moms). Even our hair suffers in the winter.

'The environment can have some of the most damaging effects on hair in both summer and winter, but in winter it's often worse because people generally don't take as many precautions to protect their hair,' says celebrity stylist Nick Chavez, owner of the Nick Chavez Beverly Hills Salon and a QVC hair care expert.

Hair Couture to the rescue! One way to protect your hair from the brutal cold of winter, is by having Keratin Treatments. For a limited time, Hair Couture Salon, located at 280 Ethan Allen Highway in Ridgefield, is offering 10% off Keratin Treatments for HamletHub readers. Simply mention this post when you make your appointment or arrive at the Salon.

Book your appointment ONLINE. When you arrive for your treatment, just mention this offer. You can also call Tami at (203) 438-2121.

About Keratin Treatments:

Brazilian Keratin Reconstruction - Soft, shiny and smooth original from Brazil. A semi-permanent smoothing treatment that removes 99% of frizz and lasts 4-6 months. You are able to shampoo the very next day!

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