Hairstyle Tutorial: How to Create the Three Strand Twist Out

When I first heard about this hairstyle, I was utterly confused. three strand twists? You mean braids, right?

Once I wrapped my head around it, I discovered the name is very self-explanatory. It's very similar to the more basic two strand twists (also called simply twists or plaits). The difference, as you probably guessed, is that you are twisting three individual pieces of hair, creating one three strand twist.

It's fairly simple to do if you have minimal braiding and twisting skills (and I do mean minimal). The biggest challenge is keeping the individual strands separated while you twist. Like any styling technique, practice makes perfect. Once I got the hang of it, I had my whole head styled with the twists within a hour. Add an additional 30-60 mins for drying time under a hooded dryer. Although a hour and a half may seem long to some, it's well worth the time spent - this style will last five days or more. I've done this style twice and already it's a fan favorite.

Follow my simple steps below or watch a step-by-step video tutorial on how to create the three strand twist out, here.

Visit Natural Hair Rules!!! for More Tips and Product Recommendations

I've included some pictures for you below.

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