Nicole and Bobby threw a First Responders costume party on The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 6 Episode 4. We recap the slutty outfits and the loss of hair in our +/- review.
It's Bobby and Nicole's first time throwing a party together and Teresa Guidice is having a little trouble with the theme. I'm not sure what a 'First Responser' party looks like but this isn't it. But plus 20. It's good to know that the Teresa-isms are still going strong in Season 6.
The ladies all head to a costume store for outfits and is there such a thing as a non-sexy female costume? Not for these women.
Just to clarify the line between sexy and slutty... When your ass is falling out of your dress and your cleavage resembles a wet t-shirt contest, that's slutty. Minus 15.
To recap the costumes...Teresa Guidice is a slutty nurse. Melissa Gorga is a slutty SWAT team member, Amber's the slutty cop. Nicole's the slutty fire woman, and her twin was the slutty...oh you get the picture. Minus 30.
Plus 50 to Dina for coming dressed in scrubs. Nicole may have looked down her nose at the outfit but I thought she looked cuter than all the others combined without really trying.
Of course the blind date set up was super awkward. Minus 22. Dina was clear that she wasn't ready. Real friends don't force these things...or at least they are a whole lot more subtle about it.
In the show of extravagance of the week, Dina normally would have won with her 400 pairs of shoes...that was until we heard that Melissa has racked up $100,000 worth of car repairs on the Bentley in the last year!
Minus 43. How do you call your husband cheap when he buys you a Bentley and then spends six figures repairing it because you can't freaking drive?
But back to the party. The guys called out Amber's husband Jimmy. He reminds me of the guy who got picked on in school and then shows up at the reunion and can't wait to rub the fact that he's rich in everyone's face.
If Jim's so worried about being seen with Joe Guidice, then why did he sign up to do the show in the first place? it's not like the Juicy Joe's legal issues have been a big secret? Minus 28.
While upstairs, Rino is busy calling Jim a jerk-off and Jim is calling Joe Gorga a dumb f**k...was Gorga even speaking to Jim at the time? Downstairs Nicole was busy ripping out Amber's hair.
Hair pulling? Really ladies, how old are we? Minus 27. I'm betting Milania could teach these two how to fight better than that.
With the party in full swing, no doubt the drama has just begun...
Episode total = -95! Season total = -389!
Who had the best costume for the party?
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