Laura Huckstepp with model Jo Jennings and owner of Uppercut hair group Trevor Vale
Lizzie Dearden, Senior reporter Monday, March 24, 2014 10:51 AM
Easter must be the only time of year when 'birds nest' hair is in vogue.
Teenage hairdresser Laura Huckstepp won an award for this seasonal style, which included hidden chocolate eggs and flashing fairy lights entwined in a model's hair.
Laura, 18, works as an apprentice at Uppercut in Gants Hill and was crowned the group's trainee of the year in the annual competition.
She had to come up with a style fitting an Easter theme.
An Uppercut spokesman said: 'The model's hair included back-combing to create a nest of hair, which included butterflies, flowers and hidden chocolate eggs added to give that Easter feel.
'To top this off, Laura went one step further and included flashing fairy lights.'
Laura said she was 'shocked' to have won.
She added: 'I had been practicing on my creation for months and my final look was exactly what I wanted.
'It took me three hours to complete on the day. I'm overwhelmed.'
She celebrated with champagne and the leftover Easter eggs.
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