Man with 'Mickey Mouse

A man described as having hair 'like Mickey Mouse ears' pulled a knife on people walking in Canterbury city centre.

A group of friends were walking along St Dunstan's Street when they were approached by three men.

One of them - a black man with an Afro hairstyle tied in two bunches - is said to have pulled out a knife near the Bishop's Finger pub.

It is not thought any threats were made, but the police were called soon after at about 9.30pm on Wednesday.

Kent Police spokesman Jane Walker said: 'There was a report that a man had been seen with a knife in Canterbury city centre, walking with two other men towards the Westgate Towers.

'The call was received at 9.45pm, but it was not reported that any threats were made or other offences reported - just that the knife was seen.'

Police are investigating the incident and the suspect's description has been circulated to CCTV operators and nearby pubs.

The man is described as black, wearing a hooded jacket, 6ft tall and had an Afro hairstyle.

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