Hair raising charity campaign raises £6000 in Letchworth

Ladies Captain Day at the Club where members wore wigs to raise money for Cancer Hair Care

Oliver Pritchard Sunday, February 9, 2014 3:01 PM

A golf club has raised almost £6,000 to support female cancer patients suffering from hair loss.

From left Jenny Tomsett, Rosie Lapsley Ladies Captain 2013, Vicki Maria of Cancer Hair Care, Brenda Sheridan and Vanessa Farnfield, current Ladies Captain. Both Jenny and Brenda received support and advice from Cancer Hair Care during their fight against breast cancer.

Cancer Hair Care is a Stevenage-based charity which offers counselling and fashion advice to female cancers patients who are experiencing hair loss to help them deal with the physical and mental side effects involved.

Letchworth Golf Club raised £5921.91 for the cause by holding events throughout 2013, including a compulsory wig wearing round on Ladies Captain's Day and an auction night that raised more than £3,000.

Rosie Lapsely, 2013 Ladies Captain at Letchworth Golf Club, chose the charity as a number of the club's members had been supported by Cancer Hair Care, set up hairdresser Jasmin Gupta in 2005.

'Several of the golf club's members have received tremendous support from the charity in the past and so we wanted to try and help them in any way possible,' she said.

Rosie Lapsley and Vicki Maria

'It was great to be able to raise the money and enable the charity to help even more cancer suffers.'

One of those affected was Jenny Tomselt, who was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago, and lost her hair after receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy at Lister Hospital in Stevenage.

She said: 'I think losing your hair is the worst thing that can happen to a woman. I was more scared about that than having any of the treatments.

'I found that the people at Cancer Hair Care were so understanding. They didn't mind if you cried your eyes out or talked about silly little things because they understand what it's like to deal with cancer.'

On receiving the donation, Vicki Maria, head of charity services for Cancer Hair Care, said: 'We will continue to develop ways of helping women cope with hair loss and look good through their illness and into recovery.

'We understand that hair loss, new hair growth, scalp care, wigs and headscarves can all seem a mystery. With some caring advice, ideas for new looks and support, Cancer Hair Care will continue to bring comfort at a time when it is most needed.'

For more information about the charity, which has a studio in Middle Row, Stevenage, visit

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