BN Beauty: Check Out 4 Fabulous Protective Hairstyles for Natural Hair

The -ember months are here! And with their arrival naturalistas everywhere have to keep their hair safe from the cold/harsh weather ahead.

In light of this BN Beauty is bringing you 4 amazing protective hairstyles that you could adopt to get you through this harsh times. Straight from ladies of the Youtube world who love their hair just as much as you do, here are 4 videos that would inspire your next hair do.

We would love to hear from you too! Be sure to tag us via Instagram: @bellanaijabeauty in your natural hair photos for a possible repost.


1. Fashion to Live: The Twisted Goddess Protective Hairstyle

When we came across this hairstyle we immediately knew you would love it. It is fun, elegant and is one of those hairstyles you can dress up or down. She decided not to smoothe down her edges, but you could choose to. Watch how to get it.

Watch2. The Chic Natural: The French Braided Bun Updo Watch 3. Millicent Swift: The Queen Braid Back-twist

This one's for the ladies who are in between weaves, just had their hair stretched out or just want to try something new. I love the afro-punk feel of her hairstyle and think it is a great way to spice up the regular up -do.

Watch4. Michelle B: No Fuss Easy Everyday Protective Style Watch

This will take some focus and determination, but we promise the end result will be fabulous.

We love how big and bold Millicent's hair is and if you have got hair like her's, this hairstyle would look great on you. You would basically need some bobby pins and moisturizing cream (and maybe some water) to get this look down.

One thing we definitely like about Michelle B is how we can relate to her. There are those days you just don't know what to do with your hair and you've run out of bookmarked pages on Bellanaija Beauty - that's where she comes in. With this easy protective style, you can be out the door in 10 minutes.

This is also a great style for ladies who are transitioning their hair.

Video Credit: Fashion to Live | The Chic Natural | Millicent Swift | Michelle B (Youtube)

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