Nashoba Valley Tech's hair salon has reopened

Updated: 09/29/2014 06:32:16 AM EDT

TŽa Dellanno of Westford, a junior at Nashoba Tech, styles the hair of freshman Baili Stevens of Fitchburg in the school's salon, Cosmo Cuts, which has reopened for business. COURTESY PHOTO

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WESTFORD -- Nashoba Valley Technical High School's in-school hair and nail salon, Cosmo Cuts, has reopened to the public, and is open Tuesday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to noon, while school is in session.

Residents can visit Cosmo Cuts for a wide range of hair and nail services, including haircuts ($6-$9), hair color ($20), manicure ($6), gel nails ($25), as well as makeup, facials and more.

The salon is staffed by students in Nashoba Tech's Cosmetology program and overseen by instructors Donna McMahon and Sheriley Farrand. It is at the back of the school, near the in-school restaurant, the Elegant Chef, and the Lowell 5 Cent Savings Bank branch. For information or to make an appointment, call 978-692-4711, ext. 6142 or 6114.

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