'America's Next Top Model' cycle 21 winner crowned

Cycle 21 | Episodes 15 and 16 | 'Finale Part One: The Last Girl Standing' and 'Finale Part Two: America's Next Top Model Is ...' | Aired Dec 5, 2014

Will America's Next Top Model be a man for the first time ever, or will Lenox represent for the girls and take home the prize? Will someone botch their commercial or trip on the runway? How will Miss J style his hair? So much to fit into a two-hour finale!

It's pretty easy to root for all these kids at this point. They're all taking the competition very seriously. At least half of them cry within the first five minutes of the episode.

Tyra stop by to talk about passion in modeling, her new cosmetic line. Tonight, the models will shoot a commercial for the new Tyra makeup, which means she's their client. 'This is the performance of the lifetime,' says Will.

The eliminated models return for the shoot, and it's not all warm embraces. Lenox isn't happy to see Chantelle. Keith only chooses Mirjana for his team for her features. 'She has a sexy face,' he says, 'until she opens her mouth.' (Snap!)

Tyra shares makeup tips, and the ousted contestants weigh in on their remaining favorites.

'Flawsome' cycle 12 runner-up Allison Harvard helps Tyra welcome the models to the shopping center where they'll shoot their ads through the night. (They only have until 7 a.m. when the mall opens, so the late-night shoot adds extra pressure.)

Keith is excited. 'This means everything to me,' he says. He's also nervous about his rough relationship with mentor Yu Tsai. Keith really tries, but his dance moves aren't cutting it. At one point, Tyra pulls him off set and lets the girls take over the lipstick ad.

Adam claims the late hour works to his advantage. He's listening to the critique that he's too stiff and lets loose.

Will is nervous and unhappy about going shirtless for the shoot. (Did the producers decide he'd be the only guy without a shirt just to make him uncomfortable?) At first he's awkward and not delivering, but he relaxes with teammate Raelia on hand.

Lenox has a face made for a makeup ad like this, flashing her big blue eyes and delivering more attitude than we've seen from her all season. 'Smack my fat lash!' she yells enthusiastically. (Don't you adore the name of Tyra's new mascara? It's aimed at all the haters.)

Two more challenges to go. Before runway, Tsai shoots a Guess ad. 'It's the playoffs, baby!' Keith knows the pressure is on, but is still worried about his relationship with Tsai.

Adam surprises everyone by how well he performs, still channeling the King from last week's Elvis photo shoot.

Will chokes up again-he wants this more than anyone, and I believe him. He swears he's not nervous, and Tsai ultimately likes his performance.

Embodying the sexy Guess brand is a challenge for Lenox. She needs to own it and can't, and that lack of confidence is a deal-breaker for the judges.

Miss J warned there would be surprises during the finale. He and Tyra announce they've been watching the whole shoot from nearby, have chosen everyone's best photos, and are sending someone home before the Lie Sang Bong runway.

Adam is on a roll, winning his third best photo in a row. 'This is to die for,' Tyra praises. 'Some of the best work you've done.'

Keith winds up in the bottom two with Lenox, and her insecurity-or, as Tyra puts it, a lack of oomph and fire-means elimination.

An all-male final three runway?! That's historic!

'There has been 20 cycles of women winning this competition,' Will says. 'Now a boy is going to win America's Next Top Model ... SO EXCITED!'

'This is getting real,' Keith adds.

These three could not be more different. Adam reminds us everyone questioned whether he was a real model at the beginning of the competition, and he has definitely grown the most. But is that enough? Keith wants to win so he can take care of his family. For Will, being in the competition means not having to hide who he is anymore.

They all get to video chat with their families, so that's nice. They're tired. It's been a long journey.

Miss J, Kelly, and Yu Tsai meet them on the runway where they'll be walking in front of hundreds of fans and members of Seoul's entertainment industry.

Jourdan Miller, winner of cycle 20, will open the show, and the eliminated models will walk as well. Tyra pulls the final three aside for a very important announcement.


Psych! She just wanted to say have fun! That wacky Tyra Banks.

The K-pop band 2NE1 provides the soundtrack, while Tyra and Miss J cheer from the audience. No one misses their cue, or crashes into another model on stilts, or anything too exciting.

The next evening, we meet up a panel. A reminder: the winning model will earn a fashion spread in Nylon magazine (which the guys already shot-we saw a peek before the runway), plus representation by Next and $100,000 from Guess.

Model Math: Average social media + average challenge scores + the judges' score, based on body of work and potential = final scores.

One by one, the judges review the guys' runway performance, Tyra's makeup ad, and selected photo shoots. The judges agree on a few things: Adam is by far the most improved since auditions, and has become far more comfortable on set. Will excels at editorial and at bringing his dancer's background into his shoots. Keith brings strength and sexiness to his performances.

Adam is the first to go, leaving us with Will and Keith. It's okay to cry, guys (and they do).

And making history as the very first male winner of America's Next Top Model is ... Keith!

Will takes it really well. 'I'm walking away with a newfound person inside of myself that I'm so proud of,' he says.

Keith is almost in shock, and flashes big smiles as he thanks the judges for being hard on him and not giving up. 'You have to believe in yourself,' he concludes, 'and you can achieve anything.'

Model wisdom.

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